January 1, 2016

New Years

It's funny because last year I made a post similar to this about starting over. However, I failed terribly to update this blog regularly. But whatevs. New year, new start.

I'm a little nervous going into the new year because 2015 didn't go the way I wanted it to. Things are changing in my life and in some ways it's exciting, but in others it just makes me anxious for what's to come. I'm in my sophomore year of school. I turn twenty in April. Adulthood is upon me and I don't feel like I'm ready.

I've never really been one to make New Years Resolutions, but there's no harm in starting. In all, I have ten things that I want to get done before the end of the year, but here are five main ones:

  1. Be more financially responsible.
  2. Update blog regularly
  3. Work on photography
  4. Work out at least twice a week
  5. Be more adult/independent.
These are things that I want to get done for myself or just need to get done in general. It would be terribly cliche to say that I hope that 2016 will be my year, so instead I'll just say I hope to finish 2016 in better shape (mentally and physically) than I did 2015. Wish me luck.