January 2, 2015

It Starts (Again)

I've been a bad, bad blogger. But I have a good reason for not updating since August. Before I went on hiatus, I had just gone off to college. Now, my first semester has come and gone and I'm proud to say that I've found my niche. I joined my school's newspaper staff to get in the practice of writing in that style, working as a member of a staff, and also to feel like I was actually doing something as far as working towards a career in journalism. Everyone on the staff is great, I've met a lot of cool people, and from the first meeting I attended I just knew I'd found my people. I also joined the yearbook staff, which doesn't have as many people, but is just as awesome and fun to write and take pictures for.

As a freshman, for my first few years at school I have to focus on getting my core classes (the 101s and 102s) out of the way, and then I can focus on my major. Not that I'm biased or anything, but the Mass Communications major at my school is the best major. I took the Intro to Mass Media Course last semester and my professor was so great and engaging and really showed that he was in love with what he was doing. Whenever I have teachers that show that they're passionate about what they do, that helps me a lot because then I get excited about the subject as well.

So, as you can see, school kept me pretty busy, but now that I know how much work to expect and how much free time I'll have, I'm ready to come back to this blog and start updating regularly. Blogging is something that I genuinely like doing and there's more freedom in blogging than in writing articles for the newspaper. Now I can have the best of both worlds.

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