This week I met up with Melissa and Micaela, two of my best friends for the last four years, for a goodbye dinner of sorts before the three of us go off to college next month. To say that they've played really big parts in my life would be an understatement. They've seen me grow from an extremely awkward freshman to an extremely awkward soon-to-be college freshman and I couldn't have chosen two cooler people to spend the last four years with.

We went to an arts magnet high school where each student goes to a class that focuses on a specific art each day in addition to their core classes. Our art was creative writing and that was where we met (but technically I met Micaela back in kindergarten because we were in the same class then). One thing that I remember clearly about that first day was that I really liked what was on their feet: Micaela was wearing purple low top Converse and Melissa was wearing really cool mock ultra-high top converse knee socks. We've been an awesome trio ever since!

One loveable quirk about Melissa is that she loves to be barefoot. There was a fountain near the place that we went to eat, so of course she had to dip her feet in.

Another ever so loveable quirk about Melissa is that she likes to get everyone to join in the fun. Here she is trying (and failing) to get me to go into the fountain with her and then me spazzing out afterward. These two lovely photos where taken by Micaela.

The three of us have been through a lot together and I just hope that any other friends I gain in the future are at least half as great as these two are.
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