I've always been grateful for the return of summer simply because of the fact that it means no school for the next two months. This summer is particularly significant because it's my last summer before college. After a year of forcing yourself to finish coursework while at the same time trying to keep the looming "senioritis" at bay, the temptation to absolutely nothing this summer is very strong. However, the less productive you are during your summer vacation, the more likely you are to be unproductive during your first semester. So to stop the bad habits before they begin, here are some ideas to make the most of your summer.
- Set an alarm. Despite the fact that it will be the only thing you want to do, sleeping until two in the afternoon is just not acceptable. But this doesn't mean that you have to wake up at seven or eight in the morning like you're getting ready for school. Personally, I set an alarm between nine-thirty and ten thirty depending on what I have to do that day. This can also work to your benefit when you go off to school in the fall: when you're scheduling your classes, you can plan them around the time you're used to waking up.
- Find a new hobby. What better way to pass the long summer days than by learning something new? It can be something you can do with your friends as a group, or something you can do by yourself. Recently, I've taken up looming and I find it incredibly relaxing. I'm also able to make my own beanie hats now which is a major plus!
- Read. Maybe it's just the bookworm in me, but I think that reading it the most productive thing that anyone can do with their free time. It doesn't even have to be an all day thing; just a few chapters a day, maybe at night before you go to bed. Find a book you know you're going to like or maybe a book on something that you want to learn more about.
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